| 1. | It takes about two week for muscles and tendons to fully recover after an ironman triathlon 在男子铁人三项全能运动后,肌肉和韧带要化上约2周的时间才恢复。 |
| 2. | Diaphragm is a partition of muscles and tendons separating the cavity of the chest from the cavity of the abdomen 横隔膜是由肌肉与肌腱所形成之隔壁将胸腔与腹腔分开。 |
| 3. | It has the function of regulating qi , blood and tissues , relaxing muscle and tendons and removing obstruction in the channels 具有调和气血、理顺组织、舒筋通络与放松肌肉的作用。 |
| 4. | The clinical research on treating scapulohumeral periarthritis with kidey - yin and liver - yin deficiency syndrome by triad therapy of bone , muscle and tendon 骨筋肉并重特色三联疗法治疗肝肾不足型肩关节周围炎临床研究 |
| 5. | Front inclination : slowly bend the neck forward ; use the weight of the head to stretch the neck muscles and tendons . complete in 15 to 30 seconds 前倾运动:颈部慢慢往前弯,在15秒到30秒之间,以头的重量将颈部的筋慢慢拉开。 |
| 6. | Back inclination : slowly bend the neck backward ; use the weight of the head to stretch the neck muscles and tendons . complete in 15 to 30 seconds 后仰运动:颈部慢慢往后仰,在15秒到30秒之间,以头的重量将颈部的筋慢慢拉开。 |
| 7. | 1 . front inclination : slowly bend the neck forward ; use the weight of the head to stretch the neck muscles and tendons . complete in 15 to 30 seconds 前倾运动:颈部慢慢往前弯,在15秒到30秒之间,以头的重量将颈部的筋慢慢拉开。 |
| 8. | 2 . back inclination : slowly bend the neck backward ; use the weight of the head to stretch the neck muscles and tendons . complete in 15 to 30 seconds 后仰运动:颈部慢慢往后仰,在15秒到30秒之间,以头的重量将颈部的筋慢慢拉开。 |
| 9. | Sideward bend : slowly bend the neck to one side and then the other ; use the weight of the head to stretch the neck muscles and tendons . complete in 15 to 30 seconds 侧屈运动:颈部慢慢的侧屈,在15秒到30秒之间,以头部的重量慢慢将颈部的筋拉开。 |
| 10. | Rotation : without exerting any force , slowly rotate the neck from right to left , and then from left to right , stretching the neck muscles and tendons . repeat five times 回转运动:颈部从右到左从左到右,不用力的慢慢回转,拉开颈部的筋肉,反覆练习5次。 |